Crab Pots in GH-CP Creeks–Update–Mark Your Crab Pots

Crab Pots in GH-CP Creeks–Update–Mark Your Crab Pots

The Virginia Marine Police patrolled Cabin Point Creek this morning (Friday, July1), following up on reports that commercial fishermen may have been dropping crab pots in Cabin Point Creek.  Commercial fishing or crabbing is not permitted in Cabin Point Creek or Betty’s Pond.  The bottoms of both these bodies of water are privately owned by the GHCPA for the benefit and use of property owners.  No commercial crab pots were identified in Cabin Point Creek during the patrol.  The marine police also patrolled Weatherall Creek where commercial fishermen are currently permitted to crab.

The marine police identified several recreational crab pots in open waters that were unmarked.  The marine police asked that we remind all recreational crabbers that the float for your pot must be marked with a R- and the last four digits of your social security number (SSN).  Unmarked crab pots in open water may be pulled out of the water and removed by the marine police.  If you choose to deploy your pots in open waters of the creek, take care not to place them in boating channels, or block access to boat lifts and docks.  You may deploy your pots off your own dock as long as they are secured by a line to your dock.

Remember that you are limited to 2 pots (or 4 pots, if two people are residing at the residence) without licensing.  For more than 4 pots, you must secure a recreational license for additional pots.

You can also click on The Water Waze Spring 2021 edition to review the Virginia Recreational Crabbing Rules.

Enjoy the crabbing season!
