Reminder: GHCP Association General Membership Meeting


The GHCP Association General Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 28, 2021, at 9:30 am at the Clubhouse, 751 Glebe Harbor Drive.

Come in Person or Send your Proxy. We encourage you to attend the August 28 meeting in person. If you cannot attend, we urge you to complete the proxy form and submit it to Barbara K. Cole, Secretary, GHCP Association. The proxy form can be downloaded here. Proxies are used to establish quorum for the conduct of business meetings and to vote on matters brought before the membership for consideration.

All proxies must be received by the Association Office no later than Friday, August 20, 2021. Proxies may be submitted in person or by mail to the Clubhouse address, or by email to Be sure to fully complete the requested proxy information to assure your proxy is valid. As provided by Virginia law, all proxies are subject to validation by the Secretary. Proxies received after August 20 will not be considered valid for use at the August 28 meeting and no proxies will be accepted at the door on the meeting day.

Please note: Compliance is expected with masking and social distancing guidance as required by the Commonwealth of Virginia and any executive order in effect at the time of the meeting. At this time, masking is optional in Sanitary District recreational facilities managed by the GHCP Association. Masks and sanitizers are available for use by unvaccinated persons and vaccinated persons with serious health conditions.
