Many residents in GHCP (and surrounding neighborhoods) have their own wells, or share a well with neighbors. Private water supplies like wells are unregulated. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to regularly test water quality, maintain the water system, and address any problems.
Affordable, confidential water testing and education will be offered through Virginia Cooperative Extension in Westmoreland County. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required. Pick up your kits on October 6th from 7 am to 10 am by drive thru at the AT Johnson Building (18849 Kings Hwy, Montross). Participation is voluntary and confidential. Water samples collected by participating homeowners will be analyzed for 14 parameters, including bacteria, metals, nitrate and hardness at a cost of $60. Financial assistance is available to families with school-aged children. Results and water system care and maintenance information will be sent to each participant by email, and a live video presentation will help explain the summary results and recommendations to address problems. All information is kept strictly confidential. Please contact VCE- Westmoreland at 804-493-8924 for more information and to register! For more information about the Virginia Household Water Quality Program, as well as many resources relevant to private water systems, please visit CLICK HERE, or visit
(Posted 9.19.20)