We have updated our cleaning process for chairs and tables on the deck to better align with CDC guidelines.
- The OLD PROCESS was for users to clean tables and chairs before use, and not when they leave.
- The NEW PROCESS is for users to spray disinfectant on any tables and chairs they use AS THEY LEAVE, and NOT to wipe them off. The reason is that the products we are using to sanitize need to sit on surfaces for 5 to 10 minutes to be effective. The new process will allow time for these products to kill any virus that may be present.
- We have placed spray bottles on each of the blue tables assigned to the four exercise areas and the wading pool, and several more or available at the disinfectant table next to the check in area.
Some apparently healthy people have been registering temperatures over the 100.3 degree threshold established by the County.
- Of course we retest and most often get an acceptable reading. But if high readings persist, we ask you take a few minutes to cool down, perhaps in the pavilion behind the pool or in your car before being retested. Even though these readings may be due to recent exercise or exertion, we must respect the County guidance.
Changing Faces on the Guard Stands
Zack Cordea and Lucas Wyszynski have joined our lifeguard team in the past few days. We are very glad to have them on board, please introduce yourselves when you notice a new face. Sadly (for us) the Navy has moved Luke Leming’s enlisment date up from August to July, so his last day will be Monday, July 6. We wish him the best, although the traditional wish of “Fair winds and following seas” might not be a perfect send off to basic training at Naval Station Great Lakes. At least it should be a bit cooler.
Lastly, we appreciate that most of you are wearing masks during check in and when using the rest rooms. Thanks for helping keep your neighbors and your community safe.
(Posted 7.3.20)