We are excited that your newly renovated GHCP pool will be opening this weekend; in fact, we are still filling it with water! We (The Friends of the Pool) are in need of volunteers to do some final cleanup on Tuesday. afternoon May 21 (1-4) and Wednesday morning May 22 (9-noon), May 21st-22nd. Our final push will be Friday morning, May 24, 9-12. Known cleanup tasks are both indoor and outdoor, as follows – but other stuff always turns up.
- finish powerwashing pool decks
- clean two alcoves adjacent to Clubhouse
- move picnic tables to permanent locations
- set up umbrellas at tables
- install anchors for volleyball net
- install extra supports on round blue picnic tables
- wipe down & touch up pain on blue tables
- clean toilets and sinks in men’s and ladies’ bathrooms
- hang shower curtains in men’s and ladies’ bathrooms
- finish cleaning out pool office
- clean out concession and lifeguards’ refrigerators
- clean out microwave
- load concession refrigerator
- set up concession area
- set up pool manager’s office
- decorate pool office
- set up bulletin board in pool office