No community members attended the meeting.
Recreation User Fee Receipts
For FY 2018-2019 (tax bills that were due December 5, 2018) as of April 30, 2019, $255,251 (97.1%) has been paid.
For FY 2017-2018 (tax bills that were due December 5, 2017), $6,480 of the remaining unpaid $10,000 has been paid (65%).
For FY 2016-2017 (tax bills that were due December 5, 2016) 79% of the remaining unpaid $2,000 has been paid.
County BOS Approves the Proposed FY 2019-2020 Budget: A public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on the FY 2019-2020 proposed budget on Monday, April 22, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. On April 29, 2019, the Westmoreland County Board of Supervisors approved the County’s budget for FY 2019 – 2020, including the the GH-CP Sanitary District. The BOS also set the Recreation User Fee at $200/lot for the upcoming budget year. This decision maintains the recreation user fee at its current level.
Capital Improvement Plan (5 year): Our submission is being revised to reflect further guidance from the County on the definition of capital projects that may be included in the proposed plan. The CIP process and our submission will be discussed at the June 8 General Membership Meeting.
Membership Directory: Emails or postcards have been sent to all members who have returned Property Owner Information Forms to confirm their desire to be included (or not) in the directory. Changes in preference and updates to contact information received by May 27 will be included. If we receive no change requests, we will proceed with the information and preference stated on each POIF.
Pool Refurbishment: Work continues. We will be scheduling volunteer work sessions to power wash the decks, inspect and clean furniture, and general cleanup and painting.
Preparation for the June 8 General Membership Meeting: Official Notice emails and letters for the June 8, 2019 General Membership meeting will go out on Monday, May 13. Click here for more information about the meeting.
Posted 5.14.19