Member Survey is Coming! Please Respond!

In the next few days, members who have returned a Property Owner Information form will receive a survey from the Association. We want to know about your use of facilities, and how important you feel they are to you personally and to the community at large.

Responses will be summarized and reported back to all property owners and members, and will be used by the GHCP Association Board of Directors to shape how we operate the pool and other assets, to modify rules and operations to better serve Members, and to aid in developing budget and other recommendations to the County Administrator.

Please take a few minutes to respond. Most members will receive an email and a link to complete the survey on line. Members who opted out of email communications will receive it in the mail. Members who have not returned an information form and would like to participate can download the form from the FORMS tab on the web site and return it to the Association office. (Posted 1.31.2019)