STILL Seeking a Water Ways Advisor!

We are in need of a Water Ways Advisor to the GH-CP Association Board.  This is a non-board position acting as an advisor to the community and Board on waterway related issues which include the areas of community creeks, boat ramps, and rivers.  The individual does not have the authority to approve required permits.

Areas of responsibility/activities:

  1. Familiarize themselves with the various regulations governing waterways which include the creeks, rivers, and Betty’s Pond. Governing bodies include the Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Marine Resource, and Westmoreland County Wetlands Board.
  2. Work with Board identifying waterway related projects which may include writing and approving proposals for submission of waterways improvement projects.
  3. Soliciting for bidders for projects and making recommendations to the Board.
  4. Assist in monitoring waterways projects through completion, documenting, and reporting progress.
  5. Organizing community-wide volunteers for clean-up projects related to waterways, boat ramps, and beaches.
  6. Coordinating and enlisting volunteers for annual placement of channel markers in community waterways.
  7. Quarterly submission of informational articles for the community updating and/or reviewing rules, regulations, projects, and other areas of interest. Alert the community to safety or time sensitive information on an as-needed basis.
  8. Being responsive to resident inquiries regarding waterway issues. To inform and direct residents to appropriate organizations and providing information on other resources.

Surely we have someone within our community willing to give this a try!  If you are that someone, please contact the Resource Committee at .


posted 01.16.25