Updated Information Regarding Deer Hunting with Dogs in Westmoreland County

Hunting deer with dogs is a contentious issue that sparked numerous comments on our recent GH-CP survey.  This article is to provide information to community members on some of the applicable rules and regulations as well as links for additional information.  The focus of the article is specifically on deer hunting with firearms and dogs.

Deer season with the use of firearms is from November 16th thru January 04th in Westmoreland County.

  • Either-sex Deer Hunting Days: November 23rd and 30th, and December 9th thru January 4th

Hunting hours are one half hour before sunrise to one half hour after sunset

  • Sunday hunting is permitted without the use of dogs.

Every hunter or persons accompanying a hunter must wear a solid blaze orange/pink hat or solid blaze colored upper body clothing.

It is unlawful to hunt with firearms from the road and unlawful to hunt within 100 feet of the road.

It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in hunting with a firearm or to discharge a firearm within 100 yards of a house, dwelling, or occupied building that is not of his or her own.

It is unlawful to hunt or assist another to hunt during any open season on the same calendar day and the same property where a drone (unmanned aerial vehicle) was used to locate or scout for any wild animal.

It is unlawful to hunt on private property without the permission of the landowner.

Any person who intentionally releases hunting dogs on the lands of another which have been posted in accordance with the provisions of §18.2-134.1 to hunt without the consent of the landowner or his agent is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. The fact that hunting dogs are present on the lands of another alone is not sufficient evidence to prove that the person acted intentionally.

The code of Virginia decriminalizes trespass in certain circumstances related to dog retrieval.  Hunters may retrieve their dogs on private property when the chase begins on other lands but cannot carry firearms or bow and arrows or hunt on the private property.

  • Any person who goes onto private property to retrieve dogs must identify themselves when requested by the landowner. Willfully refusing to identify themselves is guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.
  • Tracking dogs on a lead may be used to find a wounded deer provided those who are involved in the retrieval effort have permission to hunt on or to access the land being searched. A licensed hunter engaged in such tracking may possess a weapon to humanely kill the wounded deer.
  • It is unlawful to engage in hunting with a dog unless the dog has a tag securely fastened to the collar which displays the name of the owner/custodian and current phone number of that individual.


1.  For emergency situations such as firearm discharge close to a house, dwelling, or occupied building, Call 911.

2.  For possible violations, not considered an emergency, contact the Game Warden at the number listed below.

3.  Alternatively, report violations to Wildlife Crime Line 1-800-237-5712, email: wildcrime@dwr.virginia.gov or text DWRTIP with your tip to 847411.


  • What happened
  • Where it happened, being as specific as possible
  • Who was involved, describing persons (names if known), vehicles (license numbers are crucial), names of other witnesses
  • When it happened (date and time are very important!)
  1. For unattended dogs, contact the owner listed on the dog’s tag or call Animal Control which is also the Westmoreland County non-emergency number.

 Contact information and other resources:

For emergencies only, Call 911

Non-Emergency number for Westmoreland Game Warden & Animal Control

(804) 493-8066

Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (866) 721-6911 or (804) 367-6135

Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources: https://dwr.virginia.gov/

Link to hunting regulations: https://dwr.virginia.gov/hunting/regulations/general/

Information on potential legislation affecting hunting with dogs: https://dwr.virginia.gov/hunters-landowners-sac/

 Information provided by the GH-CP Resources Committee

Note:  Updated 10-16-24 to include is provision prohibiting shooting firearms and some other weapons within 100 yards of GH-CP:

Download (PDF, 537KB)


originally posted 09.25.24

updated 10-16-24