Our annual Oyster Roast will be Saturday, November 2nd from 2-5 PM on the pool deck and driveway. This is the largest fundraiser for the Association.
We will be serving grilled and fried oysters with toppings, pork barbeque, baked beans, coleslaw, dessert, beer, wine, and water. Tickets are $35; please make your reservation by October 25th. Payment can be made by check to the GH-CP Association and either mailed or dropped off at the clubhouse. If it’s after hours, it can also be dropped inside the mailbox out front.
The Oyster Roast is possible only because we have volunteers. If everyone attending volunteered, shifts could be less than 1 hour.
Volunteer options are:
Grilling oysters – Angi Murphy Steaming oysters – Tommy Long Fried oysters- Susan Ewing Barbeque – Fran Beach Set-up and clean-up – Kathy and John Gold.
We will have 50/50 and a Silent Auction at the event this year. Come prepared to spend some money and have a fun time.
Silent Auction
As a fundraiser, we will have a silent auction at the Oyster Roast. Funds will go to the Community Outreach Fund. We are seeking donations only from within the community. Are you crafty? Would you be willing to put together a basket of goodies or an item to auction? Please reach out to Kathy Gold at kathy@kathygoldcde.org or 703-383-4078.
posted 08.27.24