Neighborhood Watch Report

Dave Milne reports the Neighborhood Watch has been going well, but a couple of new members are needed to act as substitute drivers in case of someone needing to pass on their shifts. We have just enough members now to fill all spots but if one has to drop out, we’ll need to have a member do a double shift.  If you can help with this effort, please email the Association at .

As for the neighborhood itself, we’ve been seeing more police presence in the area these past months as all the new construction has been drawing the curious. In addition to folks checking out the new houses at night with flashlights (please don’t do this!), a few thefts of construction materials and the tampering of a lockbox on a vacant home in Cabin Point have been reported. The main thing for our residents to remember is not to confront anyone doing suspicious activities but rather just call the Sheriff at 804-493-8066.  We needn’t have someone get hurt by trying to stop a criminal!

Please remember to carry your Access Cards, especially if using our beaches this holiday weekend.  Increased patrols from the Sheriff’s office have been requested.


posted 08.26.24