Access Card “Grace Period” Ends June 24
Since the pool opened on May 25th, our guards have let members and guests know if our records show a problem with their access cards. Some may appear to have been invalidated, others may be registered to a property for which the current RUF has not been paid. Members have been admitted to the pool, but have been asked to check with our office manager to resolve the problem. Similarly, members who have not had their cards with them have been admitted, but reminded to bring them next time, or to request replacement cards if needed. (Posted 6.16.19)
This year’s “grace period” ends on June 24. A valid access card will be required to admit any user or group of users to the pool. If you have lost your cards, or are not sure if they are valid, please contact the office (804 472 3646) as soon as possible. (Posted 6.16.19)